Training for Newer Employment Staff

Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) 101

Do you have a new employment specialist or supervisor on your team, or need a refresher? VR 101 provides basic information for employment staff just getting started, including services in the Employment Services Model, documentation and processes, and the role employment specialists play in  VR cases.   

This training is a precursor to the ACRE Certified Foundational Training, described below.  VR 101 is sponsored by Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation and offered at no cost to the employment specialists’ organizations.  Referrals can be made through VR counselors, organizations’ self-referrals, and word-of-mouth. 

Who:  New employment specialists or supervisors 

When:  Now live and On demand, virtually. 

Why:  To “Level Up” new staff! VR 101 orients staff to basics in delivering services through the Employment Services Model. 

ACRE Certified Foundational Training

In partnership with Virginia Commonwealth University’s Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (VCU RRTC), Level Up Indiana: ESI offers Foundational Training for Employment Specialists that combines the Association of Community Rehabilitation Education’s (ACRE) certified training modules with Indiana-specific training and support offered by Public Consulting Group (PCG).   

Participants enrolled in the Foundational Training complete three components for this course.  First, participants complete six lessons across a twelve-week period with our partners at VCU. Each lesson will be available for two weeks, allowing flexibility for the time and pace at which material is reviewed.  Additionally, participants complete two brief modules explaining how to apply what they learned in the first course to VR’s Employment Services Model in Indiana.  Finally, participants have the opportunity to receive individualized hands-on instruction from seasoned professionals in the field.