Beyond Basics
Keep building new skills with videos, tips, and guides from our Beyond Basics series.
Spring Cleaning: Discovery Documentation Refresher
Indiana VR provided a training refresher on Discovery Documentation expectations on April 12th. During this training learners:
· Identified updated documentation requirements
· Learned successful practices in documentation completion
· Shared practices through guided discussion
Virtual Service Delivery
From assistive technology to letting people access services online, you can provide better employment services with the right technology.
These videos offer advice and best practices for using new technology to help your team and the people that you serve.
Supervisor Circle Guest Speaker (Steve UpChurch)
Watch the January Supervisor Circle featuring guest speaker, Steve Upchurch, Training Director for Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation to learn and discuss Career Pathways.
Steve Upchurch has served as the Training Director for Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) since November 2016. Prior to his current role, he served in both counselor and supervisory roles. Steve earned a Master of Arts degree in Education and Human Development from George Washington University and is a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor. He serves on the board of Indiana APSE – the Association of People Supporting Employment First, is a member of the Advisory Council for the Center for Innovative Training in VR and is a part of the CSAVR DEI&A Professional Network. Steve lives in Indianapolis, Indiana with his wife, son, and their two dogs, and enjoys public speaking and travel.
Supervisor Circle Guest Speaker (Kristina Blankenship)
Watch the February Supervisor Circle featuring guest speaker, Kristina Blankenship, Director of Business and Community Engagement for Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation to discuss the VR Employment Service Provider Directory and the VR Employer Partner Database. Ms. Blankenship will review the Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation site which is a one-stop shop for all things employment related. This site allows VR participants to select an Employment Service (ES) provider by using the VR ES Provider Directory and search for employment opportunities by using the VR Employer Partner Database. Employment Service providers will be able to login to create and maintain a listing in the VR ES Provider Directory. Open positions, including internships, work-based learning experiences and/or apprenticeships can be added to the VR Employer Partner Database.
Facilitating Effective Technology Use
There are tons of great assistive technologies out there. But you need to show people how to access them. This video offers tips for helping participants find and use technology to support their needs.
Developing a Contingency Plan
Make sure you’re prepared for any technology issue. This webinar will help you build a contingency plan and prepare staff to deliver seamless support when the unexpected happens.
Delivering Virtual Employment Services
You may need to make some changes to your services when they move online. Learn best practices for virtual discovery, business development and engagement, and supported employment.
Leveraging Tech to Support Your Team
New technology can help your team too! This video can teach you how to use technology to improve your communication, teamwork, and productivity.
Effective Written Communication with VR Counselors Recording
Mastering written communication is essential for all employment professionals. This webinar discusses approaches and formats for progress reports, emails, texting, and case notes. Presenters Steve Upchurch and Terry Donovan will also provide tips for successful written communication - even in a rush!
Constructive Conversations
Creating engaging and collaborative conversations can be challenging whether it is in-person, over a video conference, or on the phone. Our final webinar in the communication series covers
Identifying when each communication approach is most effective
Using constructive conversation strategies
Self-reflection and identifying a personal growth area
Creating an action plan with your goal partner to improve communication
Check out feedback and best practices from other people who completed the Beyond Basics video series.