Level Up Indiana: Employment Specialist Initiative (ESI) is the VR sponsored statewide initiative to strengthen Indiana’s employment specialists and improve vocational rehabilitation service delivery. We are pleased to provide this menu of opportunities to grow and strengthen the employment service provider community in Indiana.
2022 Menu of Trainings
For Newer Employment Staff
VR 101
For brand new hires, VR 101 provides a basic orientation for staff on the basics in delivering services through the Employment Services Model. The orientation is sponsored by Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation and offered at no cost to the employment specialists’ organizations. Referrals can be made through VR counselors, organizations’ self-referrals, and word-of-mouth.
Online, beginning October 2021 then ongoing & on demand.
Foundational Training
In partnership with Virginia Commonwealth University’s Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (VCU RRTC), we offer the Foundational Training for Employment Specialists combining Association of Community Rehabilitation Education’s (ACRE) certified training with Indiana-specific training and coaching. Upon completion of this training, participants receive ACRE certification for employment services.
For Supervisors, Coaches, and Leadership
Supervisor Circles
Are you looking to connect with colleagues? On the third Thursday of each month, join your fellow leaders for an opportunity to exchange ideas, troubleshoot challenges, and learn what is working for others.
Online, at no cost, join us!
For All Employment Services Staff
Coaching Network
The Level Up Indiana Coaching Network is a learning opportunity where we connect seasoned employment staff with support learners. For seasoned employment staff who are prepared to leverage their skills and help advance their peers, the Coaching Network is a leadership and financial opportunity.
Lunch & Learn Schedule
December 2
The Intersection of Depression & Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities
11:00 am - 12:00 pm EST
January 27
The Intersection of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder & Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities
11:00 am - 12:00 pm EST
February 24
The Intersection of Bipolar Disorder & Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities
11:00 am - 12:00 am EST
March 31
The Intersection of Domestic Violence & Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities
11:00 am - 12:00 am EST
April 28
The Intersection of Personality Disorders & Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities
11:00 am - 12:00 pm EST
May 19
The Intersection of Schizophrenia, Psychosis, & Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities
A New Communication Series
“Effective Communication with VR Counselors”
Challenged by effective communication with VR?
Can’t get your point across in conversation or written communication?
Want to improve your approach and facilitate beneficial meetings?
Driven to polish your communication style to advance within your organization?
To apply information from this session, participants will have the opportunity to practice what they learned and report on their progress at the follow-up webinar